If you are searching for a new position during these difficult economic times, you might feel hopeless, anxious, or concerned about your chances of landing a new position. I understand these feelings. Therefore I want to give you tools today to empower you to feel in charge of your job search and succeed in landing a fulfilling new position.
Why do you need a personal brand when searching for a job?
Even before the pandemic, recruiters often received dozens or hundreds of applications for each open position, and that number has multiplied over the last months. Therefore, even more than ever, you have to have a solid job search strategy and stand out to land a job. But how do you do that? The answer is a strong personal brand.
Most of us have heard and know that it is important to have a strong personal brand, but only a few job applicants actually invest the time to develop a strong brand of their own. This is a big opportunity you do not want to miss out on.
Recent statistics highlight the importance of personal branding in today's job market:
- 86% of workers are at least somewhat open to other job opportunities, including 46% who are very open.
- 40% of workers are actively looking for new employment, with a majority (58%) looking for new roles within their current company.
These numbers underscore the competitive nature of the job market and the need for a strong personal brand to stand out.
What is a personal brand?
It is your superpower. It is what makes you unique.
It is your professional reputation. It is what people say about you when you are not in the room.
Your personal brand is an authentic, consistent, and clear message, no longer than 2-3 sentences, about who you are, your professional goals, what you’ve accomplished, and what you are capable of achieving.
Step 1: Know why you need a personal brand in your job search
Your personal brand is what sets you apart from other candidates and makes you memorable. You have to give the hiring manager a reason to hire YOU and not one of the many other candidates. Therefore, it is critical to show that you are not generic but unique and how your uniqueness will positively contribute to the company you are applying to.
As a former recruiter, I reviewed hundreds of resumes and conducted over 60 phone screens and interviews every week. The decision of which candidates move on to the second round of interviews and meet with the hiring manager all came down to who I remembered at the end of the day. And which candidates were most memorable? The candidates that communicated a strong personal brand. The candidates that told a story that explained who they are, what value they bring, and why they want to work for exactly this company.
Step 2: Discover your skills, strengths, and career purpose
There is no question that a strong personal brand is important. But many candidates do not develop one because it is difficult. It is hard work to dig deep and search for answers inside yourself. But the hard work will pay off, so do not shy away from it.
Strategies to find your transferable skills
To get started, I recommend scheduling one hour and putting it on your calendar. Find the time of the day where you’re most alert and think clearly. For some of us, that’s in the morning, and others work best in the evening. Next, find a location where you can be undisturbed for one hour, anywhere you are comfortable, your home, in a park, or on the beach. Then take only your notebook and a pen with you and turn off distractions such as your phone if possible.
Now you are ready for some serious self-reflection. Close your eyes and find answers to the questions below. When you find an answer, dig deeper and find the why and how behind your answer. Whenever you have an ah-moment and discovered something about yourself, please write it down.
- What problems have you successfully solved?
- What would not have been accomplished at your current or last place of employment if it wouldn’t have been for you?
- How have you contributed to your team’s success?
- What are your natural talents?
- What do you do better than others?
- What makes you unique?
- What are you passionate about?
- What are you so excited about that you can’t wait to get up in the morning and start doing?
- What do you REALLY want to do?
After answering these questions, take notes on the common themes. Which skills and strengths came up over and over? What stood out to you? Was there anything that surprised you?

Step 3: Find out how others see you
Now it is time to find out how others see you. Ask your coworkers, previous coworkers, and friends questions such as:
- What is the first thing they associate with you?
- What do they see as your biggest strengths?
- What three words would they use to describe you?
Review their answers and find out if they see you the same way that you see yourself. Do they see you the way you want to be seen? What are they missing from the way you see yourself? And do they see things in you that you do not see yourself? Reflect on their answer and take notes.
Step 4: Create your personal brand statement
Now it is time to sit down and review your notes from the previous two exercises. What comes up in your answers over and over? Find the top four to six points that define you most and write a short paragraph for why they make you stand out.
Next, re-write this statement in “business speak.” That means answering the question of how your strengths and skills impact the bottom line of a potential future employer. Think about: What value do you bring to a potential employer? How will you make or save them money?
Lastly, keep editing and shortening the statement until you have it down to 2-3 sentences. And there it is, you just created your own personal marketing slogan.
Step 5: Communicate your personal brand in career conversations
Now it is time to use your personal brand to describe yourself as often as possible. Start by practicing every day by yourself, then with friends and once you are comfortable, use it in every career conversation. Use your statement across all your career marketing documents and platforms such as your LinkedIn profile, resume, cover letter, when networking, and in your interviews. Consistency is key.
But keep in mind, your personal brand has to be authentic to be impactful. Your words and actions must match.
How to brand yourself professionally
For example, if you found attention to detail is one of your defining strengths, be sure to use these words when talking about yourself or past projects you worked on. But at the same time, you have to demonstrate this strength by, for example, always being on time, structuring written documents well, and making sure emails and other documents are error-free.
Utilizing social media platforms for personal branding
While LinkedIn is essential, don't overlook other social media platforms. Twitter can be great for sharing industry insights, while Instagram might be suitable for visual portfolios. Ensure your online presence across all platforms is consistent with your personal brand and professional goals
FAQs about personal branding for career success
Can I start building my personal brand at work?
Yes, you can absolutely start building your personal brand at work! Focus on showcasing your strengths, being consistent in your work, and making a positive impact on your team. This helps you stand out and be recognized for your unique contributions.
I don’t know what my “personal brand” is. How do I market myself to recruiters?
If you're unsure about your personal brand, start by gaining career clarity. Identify your transferable skills, the abilities you can take from one job to another. Then, build a strong network of connections to help you understand how others see your strengths. Use this information to market yourself to recruiters by highlighting what makes you unique and valuable.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, your personal brand is your professional reputation, and it is truly your superpower when it comes to success in your career and job search. The time you invest in crafting a clear, concise, and authentic message will pay off. However, if you feel stuck in crafting the right message that describes you perfectly and makes you stand out, then consider working together with a professional. Career coaches and career counselors are specialists in guiding you to discover what makes you unique. They can show you how to turn your strengths into a powerful statement that provides value to a potential employer.
To see an example of a personal brand in action, watch this video: How to create a personal brand and succeed in your job search.
About the author
I’m Theresa White, a Career Clarity Coach, Job Search Strategist, and President of Career Bloom. With a background in Recruiting, Human Resources, and Management
After struggling with career uncertainty and the fear of starting over, I finally discovered my true calling and found a job that makes me excited to wake up every day. This clarity transformed my career and filled me with joy, knowing I’m doing work that truly matters. How did I achieve this? By gaining crystal-clear insight into my purpose. It’s easier than you might think, and I’m passionate about guiding my clients through this discovery process to help them find their ideal career.
Connect with me on LinkedIn, listen to the Career Clarity Unlocked Podcast, or schedule your free 30-minute career clarity consultation.
Job Search Resources
- The quickest way to land your dream job? Get career clarity
- How to actually land a job through networking
- Find the skills that energize and motivate you. The ones that make you say, "I want to do this every day!"
Join my free masterclass to start your career change in 3 simple steps, and discover the proven path to finding a career you truly love!
👉 Ready for career clarity in record time? Request a free consultation with me today.